I’ve always been a sucker for a beautiful sunset.  I’ve been known to pull off to the side of the road just to take a picture of one. I think my first purchased piece of art was of a sunset, my phone is filled with sunset pictures and, of course, my favorite color is orange! I find sunsets to be … well, magical. I think the reason I am so taken by sunsets is that it is clear evidence of something only God can do. Man can and has made many beautiful things, but in my opinion, none that can rival the majesty of a sunset. Certain things in this world represent that something bigger, something more capable, than man exists.  And for me, an example of this is a sunset.

A few years ago I took a Bible Study in which the author separated life into “God-sized tasks” and “Man-sized tasks”.  Man-sized tasks (MST) are those things that we can complete with our God given abilities, intellect, skills, finances etc. A God-sized task (GST) are those things that you know you need God to complete.  A GST is something that is not only too big for you to handle on your own, but also if you are able to handle it, you know it is evidence that God was there to help you through it.  I know it is over simplifying things to divide the world into MST and GST, but through the years this distinction has been helpful to me. 

Raising a child with severe disabilities … and to do it without becoming bitter was beyond what I could do on my own. I knew it was a GST requiring God to show up and intervene: to help, to give peace that passes understanding, to help me to forgive, give grace etc. etc. I’m also hoping that since it is a GST,  my life also shows evidence of God. As parents of children with special needs, we often find ourselves asking questions of “why” and “for what purpose”. And the answers to those questions are between you and God and often take us on a long journey. But I’d like you to consider that your child and your parenting might be like that sunset.  It might be an opportunity for others to see God at work … evidence of the presence of God … spectacular!