Happy Mother’s Day!  It has been a rough year for most of the mom’s who are raising a child with Special Needs.  I “tip my hat” to you and hope you feel honored–especially on this day.

I’ve spoken with a lot of moms through the years and although they love being a mom, many of them will say they are “exhausted”, feel “overlooked” and struggle with being a “guilt magnet”.  Maybe some of you feel this way on occasion. Do you ever wonder if mothers have always felt that way or is this a recent phenomenon? Did moms feel that way in Biblical times?

Well, I have a trivia question for you.  “What was the name of Moses’ mother?”  Most of us know the story of how Moses’ mother protected him from Pharaoh who had decreed that all Hebrew baby boys should be killed.  Not only did she protect him from being killed, but she cleverly arranged a way that she could actually raise him for Pharaoh’s daughter. And no one was more important to the nation of Israel than Moses.  He led his people out of slavery from Egypt, spoke face-to-face with God and was given the 10 Commandments. But his mother who saved him to be able to do all of this is to most of us, nameless.  Perhaps she questioned God with the role she had to play in her son’s life.  I doubt it was what she expected. Perhaps she felt unappreciated and overlooked as well. 

But she wasn’t overlooked…and neither are you. God sees all that you do for your family.  He remembers and will reward you for your faithfulness to Him and your children(James 1:12).  The God of the universe sees you, grieves with you, rejoices with you and knows you—with all of your strengths and struggles.  He knows your name!  My prayer for you this Mother’s Day is that these truths would wash over you and that you would know that God sees and values all that you are doing.

Oh, and Moses’ mother’s name is  –  Jochebed     (Num 26:59)